Program for Parental's Blogs, Influencers & Websites

How to recommend us to visitors and followers ?

Share your personnal affiliate link to people who love your great content by displaying or sharing our affiliate links on pages of your website or social media pages. You can do it using Ludilabel's banners or an hyperlink using your custom text url with your affiliate ID in it. By clicking on this hyperlink or this banner, your followers and visitors would enjoy a 10% discount on the first order. You will receive a voucher available almost immediately(1)  in your affiliate account. Log in and go to Partner Area.

Partagez Ludilabel et Gagnez des bons d'achats

Devenez parrain ou marraine Ludilabel !

Is the program limited?

There almost no limit. You can share your personal link with ID to as much visitors and followers as you wish. But, we want you to never publish your affiliate link outside your blog, your website, your forums and your own social media pages.

Engaging a lot with people on social medias!

You can share your affiliate link on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but never share it on Ludilabel's social media pages... You can also share a special page of our website (product, catalog etc...) by generating a link containing your special ID. We have an easy to use tool for this !

Le programme de parrainage Ludilabel permet aux clients de parrainer une amie ou d'afficher sur son site une bannière Ludilabel afin de remporter des bons d'achat !

Gagnez des bons d'achat à chaque fois qu'une commande est validée grâce à vous !

What to do with credit earned thanks to your blog?

Each and every completed order made by visitors and followers from your affiliate link, would generate a 2 euros voucher credit in your account. You can cumulate, as much voucher as you have people becoming a new client of Ludilabel. You can review the total amount of your available credit in your account, go to Partner Area. You can use those credits to shop online on  If you are in charge of a blog or a social media page gathering a high montly traffic, please feel free to contact us to discuss a more suitable affiliate program.

(1)  A 5 days period is set before you can view a new credit on your account. Warning : the discount is only available to visitors and followers who follow your affiliate link containing your affiliate ID, once the order is completed your commission is earned.